
When I first began my training as a developmental pediatrician back in the 1980's, Autism was a rare disorder affecting approximately 1:2500 children.  Over time, I have witnessed an epidemic rise in children being diagnosed with a range of pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) now collected under the umbrella term of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). 

Children on the spectrum share symptoms that derive from difficulty with "social communication." This is the natural give-and-take connection and sharing inherent in verbal and body language that is fundamental for the development of healthy interpersonal relationships. When this does not emerge, a child becomes isolated and is prone to unusual behaviors that reflect their state of extreme stress.  It is important to remember, however, that Autism Spectrum Disorder is a collection of symptoms. ASD is not a single disease.

Since genetic disorders cannot occur in epidemics, it appears that some forms of autism may be triggered by the environment. This fuels fears of possible causes ranging from vaccines, perinatal interventions, heavy metals, electromagnetic radiation and a host of other exposures.  The truth is that there is no single cause for the diverse forms and complexity of children showing signs of autism. The revolution in our understanding of epigenetic has demonstrated that there is likely to be a unique mix of genetic and environmental factors that have given rise to autism.

The good news is that recovery from certain forms of autism is possible. 

Some children who have what is known as "regressive autism," presenting with normal development until a certain age, seem to have a significant potential for recovery. Dissatisfied with an impersonal protocol-driven one-size-fits-all medicine I was taught, I used my early experiences with the Autism Research Institute, to create a holistic approach that treats the whole child, not just the autism symptom. Rooted in my study of Chinese medicine, I examine the full context of environmental, genetic, nutritional factors that may be interfering with each child's unique development.